The future
…is not what it used to be! Just in recent years, we have seen more change and managed more crises than the decades before. Society, businesses and also in our private lives, we have been forced to re-think.
The future is for those who dare! It is for those, who have the bravery to question, imagine, vision, manage uncertainty and to make change happen.
Since founded in 2012, NORDKRON has been supporting businesses in their quest for a better future. Founded as network of entrepreneurs and business experts, we believe in the value of combined experience and diverse expertise.
Our focus is driven by our personal devotion.
The world’s biggest asset is our human capital. We live longer, we will have to work longer and we will continue to face more change than generations before us. Most of today’s biggest challenges can be solved, if we – humans – put our minds to it. In other words, we will have to reinvent ourselves, continuously. Consequently, the single most important invest is in humans!
And it is true for society and businesses as well – they too will need to continuously reinvent themselves. For businesses this means re-thinking their business models, seizing on tomorrow’s opportunities and leading bold transformation processes! Easier said than done – for one as it challenges traditional business management.
Do you dare the future? Get in touch!
Henrik Lauridsen

Born in Denmark, I have throughout most of my professional career worked and lived outside Denmark. Following a corporate pathway as CFO and later CEO, I took the step in 2012 to become independent. Since 2022, now back in Denmark, I divide my time between various board positions and co-managing GlobalXED.